Zero Calorie Foods List: The Best and Worst for Sustainable Weight Loss (2024)

Losing weight sustainably is possible if you know which foods to eat. In this article, we will provide a list of zero calorie foods that will help you achieve your goals. These are healthy, nutritious options that will help you feel full and satisfied without packing on the pounds. So whether you are looking to cut out processed foods or just want some good-for-you snacks on hand, read on for our top picks!

Zero Calorie Food List

Whether you are losing weight for a competition or just looking to get into shape for summer calories are tough to cut back on but with the help of these zero calorie foods, it will be a little easier.

You can workout as much as you want, but unless you are Michael Phelps burning 10,000 calories a day you probably aren't going to outwork a bad diet. It doesn't really matter what diet you pick just try to make sure you can do it long-term as well or at least transition to a longer term nutritional plan. Eating healthy is over the 80% saying that being healthy is 20% working out and 80% nutrition.

It is much more than that I would say closer to 90%-100%. If you put 100% of your focus into eating healthy you really don't need to workout being active of course will help especially if you work an office job. But being active can just be outside playing sports and going for walks.

Losing weight by tracking calories is tough but does show results. other than having a set daily calorie goal, you need to be aware of how many more your burn during physical activity and even when resting.

It is vital to not undereat because if you do, you will either maintain your weight or even gain weight instead of losing it. Even if you do lose weight at first undereating will lead to a rebound in that weight once you start overeating again. You will eventually slow down your metabolism keeping fat and losing muscle.

Now we aren't saying fasting is bad for you quite the opposite we support 24-48 hour fasts and intermittent fasting as we do this ourselves. You aren't going to affect your metabolism in that short span it is the starving yourself over an extended period of time that is bad for you and usually leads to weight gain.

It can be confusing to figure out which foods are the best to eat when you're trying to watch your calorie intake. To make things easier, we've created a list of zero calorie foods, almost zero calorie foods, and negative calorie foods. Plus, we've included a few items that you can eat as much as you want without having to worry about packing on the pounds.

Fasting is a safe and efficient approach to reset your hormones and get your body back in fat-burning mode if done correctly. We'll go through everything we know about intermittent fasting, as well as the science behind it, so make sure to check our articles on the subject.

Zero Calorie Foods List: The Best and Worst for Sustainable Weight Loss (1)

Negative Calorie Foods Explained

What are negative caloried foods? Everything, including vitamins, beverages that have been altered by humans, and uncooked foodstuffs like oatmeal, has calories in addition to water.

Zero or negative calorie foods are the key to weight reduction, according to the internet. However, is there any research that proves this? No there is not unfortunately so we will dive into the details below.

Negative calorie foods, such as celery (and other high fiber and high water containing veggies), are frequently mentioned examples of foods that burn more calories while being consumed than they provide.

In 2016, a study released on the British TV show Food Unwrapped captured the attention of many with its findings from scientists at the University of Warwick. In one episode, it was shown that after eating 53 calories of raw celery, 72 calories were burned by the host. A comparison between juiced celery found that 112 calories were burned after consuming 53 calories worth of juice.

Nevertheless, there aren't enough legitimate scientific studies affirming that food can be calorie negative. Although, we can cooperate with zero calorie foods. The only culinary recourse that is one hundred percent zero calories is water, but Differentiate low calorie foods are also included in this choice..

However, we consider eating only low-calorie meals or foods is a trendy dieting nonsense comparable to sipping ice water instead of normal water (which burns approximately 5 calories each glass).

Yes, every calorie counts, but there are smarter ways to go about reducing your intake. The problem occurs when you believe the marketing of zero-calorie foods and drinks (yes, there is such a thing as 0-calorie Diet Squirt… gross).

You don't need to worry, all of the items on this zero calorie foods list are healthy and nutritious.

Zero Calorie Foods List: The Best and Worst for Sustainable Weight Loss (2)

Top 50 List Of Zero Calorie Foods

All of the foods on this “unlimited” and low calorie list are not only nutritious, but highly recommended.

Although you might find snacks that are low in calories (like soda or Jello), don't be fooled–they make up for it in sugar and sodium.

Sticking with the concept of zero calorie foods, we fully encourage eating a wide range of low-calorie veggies like celery, watercress, and alfalfa sprouts as well as low-calorie fruits like strawberries, watermelon, and cantaloupe. There's no way you can go wrong there.

Furthermore, there are a few foods commonly marketed as “unlimited” for weight reduction, including lemon, spicy sauce, herbs and coffee, among other things. We'll go over those as well.

The bottom line is that no matter how much you eat, eating healthy, fiber-rich foods will benefit your body. We generally follow an easy diet of “leafy greens and beans,” with a focus on our daily calorie and macro goals, which we go through in detail in “How to Meal Prep for the Week.”

You can lose weight in a healthy and long-term manner by sticking to this list of high-quality meals.

A general guideline for caloric intake is that adult women should never eat less than 1,200 calories a day and adult men should never consume fewer than 1,600 calories.

This is a common threshold in the medical and nutrition industries, so don't eat less than this no matter how little or short you are. Consider the flower tale again – make sure you're getting enough nutrients to grow strong because restricting water will just make you sick and shriveled.

All food below comes directly from the App “lose it” which we personally use for our nutritional needs. It tracks a lot more than just calories like macros you can go for goals. For us we try to get to 200 grams of protein and a certain amount of fat since we follow a mostly Animal Based Carnivore diet.

Zero Calorie Foods List: The Best and Worst for Sustainable Weight Loss (3)

0 Calorie Foods – Below The Foods Are Listed Worst To Best

50: Bananas Calories 70 –

Bananas are great and the nutrition of them will help you more than any other fruit on this list, but the calorie to sugar ratio is not as good as some of the others.

49: Grapes Calories 60 –

Grapes are sweet and have a lot of sugar in them for such a small amount. We would rather have watermelon or strawberries if we had to choose.

48: Apples Calories 50 –

Apples are a good source of fiber but they also have a lot of sugar for such a small fruit. A better option would be raspberries or blueberries.

47: Pineapple Calories 50 –

Pineapple is delicious and has some great nutritional value, but it is very high in sugar for such a small fruit.

46: Oranges Calories 45 –

Oranges are a great source of Vitamin C, but they are also very high in sugar. We would rather have grapefruit which has half the calories and sugar.

45: Strawberries Calories 35 –

Strawberries are one of our favorite fruits. They are low in sugar and calories and high in fiber.

44: Blueberries Calories 35 –

Blueberries are another great low calorie fruit option. They are also high in fiber and antioxidants.

43: Raspberries Calories 30 –

Raspberries are a great low calorie fruit option. They are also high in fiber and antioxidants.

42: Watermelon Calories 30 –

Watermelon is a great low calorie fruit option. It is also high in water content and Vitamin C.

41: Blackberries Calories 30 –

Blackberries are another great low calorie fruit option. They are also high in fiber and antioxidants.

40: Cantaloupe Calories 30 –

Cantaloupe is a great low calorie fruit option. It is also high in water content and Vitamin A.

39: Jicama Calories 46 –

Jicama are a great low calorie vegetable option. They are also high in fiber and Vitamin C.

38: Cucumber Calories 45 –

Cucumbers are a great low calorie vegetable option. They are also high in water content and Vitamin K.

37: Broccoli Calories 31 –

Broccoli is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in fiber and Vitamin C.

36: Garlic Calories 31 –

Garlic is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in antioxidants and has numerous health benefits.

35: Cauliflower Calories 25 –

Cauliflower is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in fiber and Vitamin C.

34: Zucchini Calories 25 –

Zucchini is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in water content and Vitamin A.

33: Celery Calories 20 –

Celery is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in water content and has numerous health benefits.

32: Tomato Calories 20 –

Tomatoes are a great low calorie vegetable option. They are also high in fiber and Vitamin C.

31: Onion Calories 20 –

Onions are a great low calorie vegetable option. They are also high in antioxidants and have numerous health benefits.

30: Lettuce Calories 20 –

Lettuce is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in water content and has numerous health benefits.

29: Mushrooms Calories 15 –

Mushrooms are a great low calorie vegetable option. They are also high in antioxidants and have numerous health benefits.

28: Bok Choy Calories 14 –

Bok choy is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in fiber and Vitamin A.

27: Spinach Calories 20 –

Spinach is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in antioxidants and has numerous health benefits.

26: Bell Peppers Calories 20 –

Bell peppers are a great low calorie vegetable option. They are also high in fiber and Vitamin C.

25: Asparagus Calories 20 –

Asparagus is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in antioxidants and has numerous health benefits.

24: Cabbage Calories 20 –

Cabbage is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in fiber and Vitamin C.

23: Brussels Sprouts Calories 20 –

Brussels sprouts are a great low calorie vegetable option. They are also high in fiber and Vitamin C.

22: Eggplant Calories 20 –

Eggplant is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in antioxidants and has numerous health benefits.

21: Kale Calories 20 –

Kale is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in fiber and Vitamin C.

20: Green Beans Calories 20 –

Green beans are a great low calorie vegetable option. They are also high in fiber and antioxidants.

19: Cauliflower Rice Calories 20 –

Cauliflower rice is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in fiber and Vitamin C.

18: Zucchini Noodles Calories 25 –

Zucchini noodles are a great low calorie vegetable option. They are also high in water content and Vitamin A.

17: Spaghetti Squash Calories 20 –

Spaghetti squash is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in antioxidants and has numerous health benefits.

16: Butternut Squash Calories 20 –

Butternut squash is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in antioxidants and has numerous health benefits.

15: Sweet Potato Calories 20 –

potatoes are a great low calorie vegetable option. They are also high in fiber and Vitamin A.

14: Carrots Calories 20 –

Carrots are a great low calorie vegetable option. They are also high in fiber and Vitamin A.

13: Corn Calories 20 –

Corn is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in antioxidants and has numerous health benefits.

12: Peas Calories 20 –

Peas are a great low calorie vegetable option. They are also high in fiber and antioxidants.

11: Winter Squash Calories 20 –

Winter squash is a great low calorie vegetable option. It is also high in fiber and Vitamin A.

10: Hot Sauce Calories 1-3 –

Hot sauce is a great low calorie condiment option. It is also high in antioxidants and has numerous health benefits.

09: Salsa Calories 20 –

Salsa is a great low calorie condiment option. It is also high in fiber and Vitamin C.

08: Apple Cider Vinegar Calories 0 –

Apple cider vinegar is a great low calorie condiment option. It is also high in antioxidants and has numerous health benefits.

07: Hummus Calories 20 –

Hummus is a great low calorie dip option. It is also high in fiber and protein.

06: Guacamole Calories 20 –

Guacamole is a great low calorie dip option. It is also high in antioxidants and has numerous health benefits.

05: Coffee and Tea Calories 0-3 –

Coffee and tea are great low calorie beverage options. They are also high in antioxidants and have numerous health benefits.

04: Protein Powder Calories 20-100 –

Protein powder is a great low calorie supplement option. It is also high in protein and has numerous health benefits.

03: Vitamins and Supplements Calories 0-20 –

Vitamins and supplements are great low calorie supplement options. They are also high in antioxidants and have numerous health benefits.

02: Herbs Calories 1+ –

Herbs are great low calorie seasoning options. They are also high in antioxidants and have numerous health benefits.

01: Water Calories 0 –

Water is the best low calorie beverage option. It is also essential for hydration and has numerous health benefits.

Zero calorie foods can help you lose weight in a sustainable way because Water is the only food on this list that has zero calories, making it essential for weight loss. Drinking plenty of water has many benefits, including promoting better sleep, curbing cravings, and keeping your body satiated. When you're dehydrated, your brain can confuse hunger for thirst.

So if you're feeling hungry but it's not mealtime yet, reach for a glass of water instead. How much water should you be drinking each day? Our general rule is to take half your body weight in pounds, and drink that many fluid ounces of water each day. For example, a 200-pound person should consume 100 fl. oz., though some people may require more or less water than this.

Zero Calorie Foods List: The Best and Worst for Sustainable Weight Loss (4)

What Are The Negative Calorie Foods In Existence?

There is no such thing as a negative calorie food. All foods, even celery and other vegetables, require energy to digest. The argument that these foods have “negative calories” is based on the premise that the digestion of these foods requires more energy than they provide in the form of calories. This is not only untrue, but it's also an oversimplification of the complex way our bodies metabolize food.

Our metabolism is constantly at work breaking down food into its component parts so that our cells can use them for energy, growth, and repair. Even if a particular food doesn't provide many calories, it still requires energy for our bodies to digest and process it. So while eating certain “negative calorie” foods may help you eat fewer calories overall, they're not going to magically cause you to lose weight.

Zero Calorie Foods List: The Best and Worst for Sustainable Weight Loss (5)

Final Thoughts On Zero Calorie Foods

Though the term “negative calorie food” is a myth, that doesn't mean that eating low-calorie foods won't help you lose weight. In fact, many of the foods on our zero calorie foods list are excellent choices for sustainable weight loss. These include vegetables, fruits, lean protein, and healthy fats. When it comes to weight loss, nothing beats a balanced diet and regular exercise. But incorporating some of these zero calorie foods into your diet can help you reach your goals in a healthy and sustainable way.

In the end of the day you need to go with what works for you so we hope these foods help you reach your fitness goals. If something doesn't work just change it and move on don't get stuck on what you could have done or didn't do. That will only hold you back that's why we keep things very simple with the “LOSE IT” app we use and our WOE (Way of eating).

We eat mostly animal based carnivore which is 90%+ fatty meats and some fruit like bananas. That's it so we start a lot of our days off (at noon after fasting) by having eggs and bacon. Then finish the day with a nice juicy ribeye maybe with some ground beef.

Make sure to checkout our story on why we originally started the carnivore diet which was mainly due to seeing a fertility clinic after having tried having a kid naturally for 4 1/2 years. Keto/Carnivore (Ketovore) is amazing transition to a great lifestyle full of great things that include feeling almost superhuman. Really if you have any inflammation try this WOE for at least 30 days and you will notice the difference.

We guarantee it! Try it out and let us know how you do. As always stay strong and focus on YOU! Remember this is a lifelong journey so take your time, find what works for you, and live YOUR best life!

I hope this article was helpful in some way whether that be big or small. If not please let us know how we could improve or what other topics you would like for us to cover. As always make sure to follow/subscribe so you don't miss a post! We are also on all major social media platforms so feel free to find us and connect with us there as well.

If you have any questions please email us at

Zero Calorie Foods List: The Best and Worst for Sustainable Weight Loss (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.