What to Feed a Kitten: Vet-Verified Guide For Each Stage - Catster (2024)


What to Feed a Kitten: Vet-Verified Guide For Each Stage - Catster (1)


Dr. Ashley Darby

Veterinarian, BVSc

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0–3 Weeks
4–5 Weeks
6 Weeks Old and Over
Switching Foods
What To Avoid

Proper feeding and nutrition are essential for kittens to grow into healthy adults. Kittens reach the weaning stage around 4-5 weeks of age. They should ideally remain with the mother until an absolute minimum of 8 weeks of age (12 to 14 weeks is preferred) at which time they require food that provides all the necessary nutrients where the mother’s milk leaves off. However, newborn kittens that require bottle feedings will need kitten milk replacer every couple of hours.

Whether you have a newborn that requires bottle feeding in the mother’s absence or need tips on feeding a weaned kitten, we’ll cover essential considerations.

What to Feed a Kitten: Vet-Verified Guide For Each Stage - Catster (2)

What to Feed a Newborn Kitten 0–3 Weeks Old

Sometimes, a kitten cannot receive milk from their mother, or perhaps the mother is absent for whatever reason; in this case, you’ll need to step in and feed the newborn so that the tiny feline has a shot at life. Kittens need high protein for proper growth and development, and if you find yourself in a position where you need to feed a newborn kitten, here are a few important tips and considerations.

What to Feed a Kitten: Vet-Verified Guide For Each Stage - Catster (3)

Bottle Feeding

Firstly call the experts, your vet or a rescue organization may have connections to a surrogate cat who can nurse the kitten and adopt the newborn into her own litter. If not, they will likely have recommendations for milk replacers and tips for feeding the kittens. This is no easy task, and if done incorrectly can make the kittens very ill.

Kittens at this critical stage should be fed a high-quality liquid milk replacer. Ensure you follow the instructions carefully, so your formula is the correct concentration, and your kitten receives enough nutrition. It’s also wise to consult your vet on proper feeding portions. Never give cow’s milk or soy milk because they do not have the correct components to nourish a kitten.

What to Feed a Kitten 4–5 Weeks Old

A kitten’s teeth begin to emerge at approximately 4 weeks of age, and at this time, the weaning process begins. However, the teeth are small, and kittens at this stage can consume solid food in a paste form. is ideal for the weaning stage. You can start mixing formula with small portions of wet, canned kitten food and feed every 6 to 8 hours. Offer small amounts initially so their digestive system can slowly become accustomed to the new food. Encourage them to try the new mixture by offering it in a shallow saucer or letting them lick a little off their nose or your finger. Over time, the kittens will consume more of the kitten food and take less and less milk from their mother or bottle.

Feed high-quality, complete, wet kitten food approved by the Association of America Feed Controls Officials (AAFCO). To ensure quality, buying from respectable companies is preferred over cheaper brands. You can also purchase dry kitten food and soften them yourself with the milk replacer. Offer water at all times alongside their food from now on.

What to Feed a Kitten: Vet-Verified Guide For Each Stage - Catster (4)

What to Feed Kittens 6 Weeks Old and Over

At this stage, it’s also the time to start incorporating dry kitten kibble into wet kitten food. Again, start with small amounts so your kitten’s digestive system can acclimate to the new food. Dry kitten kibble generally appears at 6 to 8 weeks.

Feeding guidelines vary at this stage, and it’s crucial to consult your veterinarian about how much to feed according to your kitten’s growth rate; you never want to feed too much or too little. The food you choose should have feeding guidelines to give you a ballpark idea; although keep in mind this varies a lot with size, metabolism, and activity levels.

Experts recommend keeping your kitten on kitten food until 1 year old. A kitten’s needs differ from those of adult cats because they require more protein and calories, and different amounts of vitamins and minerals, than what you’ll find in adult kitten food. DHA is an essential nutrient for kittens, for healthy brain development.

What to Feed a Kitten: Vet-Verified Guide For Each Stage - Catster (5)How Do I Switch From One Kitten Food to Another?

Cats can be picky eaters, and kittens can also be a bit finicky. If you feel the need to switch up wet kitten food, do so gradually by mixing a little of the old food with the new for a week, with a few more increments of the new food each day. This will help your kitten avoid having an upset tummy.

What Should I Avoid Feeding a Kitten?

Avoid overfeeding your kitten an abundance of treats. A general rule of thumb is to feed less than 10% of your kittens’ daily calorie intake as treats. It’s also recommended to avoid feeding your kitten raw eggs due to possible Salmonella contamination and raw meat due to bacteria and parasites. You must also avoid providing cows milk because it causes diarrhea, as many cats become lactose intolerant as they age. Raw fish should also be avoided because it can lead to a vitamin B1 deficiency.

While many kittens grow out of the essential supplies you buy for them when they are young, finding a product that can last them a lifetime is like hitting the cat jackpot - which is why we love the Hepper NomNom Cat Bowl so much. Its unique cat-inspired design offers dual, stainless steel bowls that are wide and shallow, crucial for neck support when kittens are little and benefits mature cats by offering whisker relief. If you want to learn more about what other advantages the NomNom will provide for your growing kitten, click here.

What to Feed a Kitten: Vet-Verified Guide For Each Stage - Catster (6)

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What to Feed a Kitten: Vet-Verified Guide For Each Stage - Catster (7)


It’s crucial to consult your veterinarian on proper feeding guidelines for kittens. It’s hard to say exactly how much to feed your kitten, as portion sizes may change according to your kitten’s weight gain. Your veterinarian is a valuable resource to help you throughout the entire process to ensure your kitten is receiving all nutritional needs, especially if you’re bottle feeding. We hope our guideline steers you in the right direction; however, we recommend keeping your vet in the loop during this crucial time.


FeaturedImage Credit: Gladskikh Tatiana, Shutterstock

What to Feed a Kitten: Vet-Verified Guide For Each Stage - Catster (2024)


Can you feed a kitten all life stages food? ›

Can Kittens Eat Adult Cat Food? Kittens have different nutritional needs than adult cats, so they need a kitten food to support those needs. If the food label says it's formulated “for all life stages,” however, that means it's safe for both kittens and adult cats to eat.

What is a sample feeding schedule for cats? ›

Cats should eat at least two meals each day, about 12 hours apart. But a breakfast, lunch, afternoon, dinner, and right before bed schedule is an equally great option. If more than 12 hours elapses between meals, the stomach can become hyperacidic causing nausea.

What is all stage cat food? ›

The Nutritional Needs of Each Life Stage

Feed the right proportion of an all life stages diet based on age, activity level, and weight. Growing kittens need higher levels of nutrients, like protein and fat than adult and senior pets. An all life stages diet meets these specific nutritional needs.

What age should kittens stop eating kitten food? ›

Kittens typically don't need to switch to adult cat food until they've reached full maturity, around 10 to 12 months of age. However, the exact age can vary. Some cats reach full maturity (and lower energy needs) sooner and should transition to cat food earlier so they don't become overweight.

Should I leave dry food out for my cat overnight? ›

If you let your cat eat when they choose to, a bowl of dry food left out overnight provides a snack if your cat feels peckish. However, most cats are happy to spend the night without food and wait until their breakfast the following morning.

Is there an all life stages cat food? ›

Life's Abundance All Life Stage Cat Food is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) Cat Food Nutrient Profiles for All Life Stages.

What food do kittens love the most? ›

Whether you're feeding a cat or a kitten, “Cats need animal-based protein as part of their main diet,” explains Purina Nutritionist Karina Carbo-Johnson, MS. Some protein-rich foods cats like to eat include: A variety of fish, such as salmon, trout, tuna and whitefish. Poultry like chicken, turkey and pheasant.

Is 2 meals enough for a kitten? ›

If you are feeding your kitten both dry and canned foods, then twice a day canned feedings are sufficient. If they're only eating canned food, they should be fed four times daily.

How many pouches of cat food a day with dry food? ›

The general guideline is to feed an adult cat 2-4 pouches per day, divided into two meals. Kittens, on the other paw, need a bit more fuel for their growing engines, so aim for around 3-4 pouches a day, but consult your vet to fine-tune this. But remember this all depends on the age, size and how active your kitty is.

Do you feed a kitten a whole can of food? ›

For kittens, due to their small size, most cat parents opt to use one 3-ounce can of kitten food. Make sure to look for a recipe designed for kittens, as kittens have vastly different nutritional needs than adult cats.

Can I feed my kitten 9 lives cat food? ›

A kitten needs to be fed good quality cananed food. Cats are obligatory carnivores and dry food, especially low to medium quality such as 9lives is not enough good nutrition to properly raise your kitten.

What do all life stages mean in cat food? ›

Hill's What Does AAFCO's "All Life Stages" Mean? If the AAFCO statement says "complete and balanced for all life stages" ✔The pet food has to be suitable for puppies, kittens or pregnant/lactating adults - which means some of the nutrients may be at levels that are excessive for typical adult and older pets!

Can a 6 month old kitten eat adult cat food? ›

Kittens need their rapid growth and development supported through specially tailored nutrition found in kitten food until they reach 12 months of age. At 1-year-old a kitten is considered an adult cat and can transition gradually over to a complete and balanced adult cat food.

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