Vince Flynn - Book Series In Order (2024)

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Publication Order of Mitch Rapp Books

Transfer of Power (1999)Description/BuyatAmazon
The Third Option (2000)Description/BuyatAmazon
Separation of Power (2001)Description/BuyatAmazon
Executive Power (2003)Description/BuyatAmazon
Memorial Day (2004)Description/BuyatAmazon
Consent to Kill (2005)Description/BuyatAmazon
Act of Treason (2006)Description/BuyatAmazon
Protect and Defend (2007)Description/BuyatAmazon
Extreme Measures (2008)Description/BuyatAmazon
Pursuit of Honor (2009)Description/BuyatAmazon
American Assassin (2010)Description/BuyatAmazon
Kill Shot (2012)Description/BuyatAmazon
The Last Man (2012)Description/BuyatAmazon
The Survivor (By: Kyle Mills) (2015)Description/BuyatAmazon
Order to Kill (By: Kyle Mills) (2016)Description/BuyatAmazon
Enemy of the State (By: Kyle Mills) (2017)Description/BuyatAmazon
Red War (By: Kyle Mills) (2018)Description/BuyatAmazon
Lethal Agent (By: Kyle Mills) (2019)Description/BuyatAmazon
Total Power (By: Kyle Mills) (2020)Description/BuyatAmazon
Enemy at the Gates (By: Kyle Mills) (2021)Description/BuyatAmazon
Oath of Loyalty (By: Kyle Mills) (2022)Description/BuyatAmazon
Code Red (By: Kyle Mills) (2023)Description/BuyatAmazon
Capture or Kill (By: Don Bentley) (2024)Description/BuyatAmazon
Note: There is also a novel Term Limits which is a standalone novel but takes place within the Rapp universe.Rapp isn't in it, but it takes place before Transfer of Power if you wish to read that.

Chronological Order of Mitch Rapp Books

American Assassin(2010)Description/BuyatAmazon
Kill Shot(2012)Description/BuyatAmazon
Transfer of Power(1999)Description/BuyatAmazon
The Third Option(2000)Description/BuyatAmazon
Separation of Power(2001)Description/BuyatAmazon
Executive Power(2003)Description/BuyatAmazon
Memorial Day(2004)Description/BuyatAmazon
Consent to Kill(2005)Description/BuyatAmazon
Act of Treason(2006)Description/BuyatAmazon
Protect and Defend(2007)Description/BuyatAmazon
Extreme Measures(2008)Description/BuyatAmazon
Pursuit of Honor(2009)Description/BuyatAmazon
The Last Man(2012)Description/BuyatAmazon
The Survivor (By: Kyle Mills)(2015)Description/BuyatAmazon
Order to Kill (By: Kyle Mills)(2016)Description/BuyatAmazon
Enemy of the State (By: Kyle Mills)(2017)Description/BuyatAmazon
Red War (By: Kyle Mills)(2018)Description/BuyatAmazon
Lethal Agent (By: Kyle Mills)(2019)Description/BuyatAmazon
Total Power (By: Kyle Mills)(2020)Description/BuyatAmazon
Enemy at the Gates (By: Kyle Mills)(2021)Description/BuyatAmazon
Oath of Loyalty (By: Kyle Mills)(2022)Description/BuyatAmazon
Code Red (By: Kyle Mills)(2023)Description/BuyatAmazon
Capture or Kill (By: Don Bentley)(2024)Description/BuyatAmazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Term Limits (1997)Description/BuyatAmazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

Once Upon a Crime: An Anthology of Murder, Mayhem and Suspense(2009)Description/BuyatAmazon
Suspense Magazine January 2010(2010)Description/BuyatAmazon

Chronologically, American Assassin comes first followed by Kill Shot. Then the rest of the published books are in chronological order by their publication date.

About Vince Flynn:

Among the people who will go down in history as being phenomenal authors, Vince Flynn stands out. A sure way of leaving a great legacy behind is through creating captivating literary works. Writing is a way of capturing life and immortalizing it in words. Good authors know how to transform the mind of the reader into a theater where the story is acted out. They create stories that the reader can identify with or those that can take the reader into a world of intense imagination. Authors are best identified in their genre of expertise and for Vince Flynn, writing novels in the political thriller genre is what he does best.

Biography of Mr. Flynn

Born in 1966 in the town of St Paul in Minnesota, Mr. Flynn has grown to become a popular American author with a good number of best-selling books. Recently, his job title has also included being a story consultant for the hit TV series, 24. He now lives with his family; wife and three children, in the United States. Interestingly, the stars were not always lined up for him. While still in grade school, he was diagnosed with dyslexia at an early age.

The irony is that it was a struggle for him to write and read for most of his life yet he turned out to be such a great author. In his eagerness to overcome the limitations of dyslexia, Vince Flynn worked himself through a program of reading and writing as much as he could. In the process, the novels he read stirred up an interest in him that later on made him an author. He attended Saint Thomas Academy and left in 1985. Thereafter, he enrolled in the University of St Thomas where he graduated in 1988 with a degree in economics. This educational background enabled him to get a job in the accounts and marketing department at Kraft foods company.

He got to work there for another two years during which he developed an interest in aviation. In the year 1990, he quit his job to attend a recruitment program with the United States Marine Corps. Unfortunately, a short moment before he was to join the training school, he was slotted out of the program. This disqualification was made on medical grounds due to a convulsive disorder he had while growing up. In a bid to make ends meet, he got another job in a company dealing with real estate.

His love for books got him working on a book he had in mind for a long time. After working for two years, he quit his job and relocated to Colorado from the Twin Cities. He would write in the daytime and work as a bartender in the night. His first book, Term Limits was borne through a series of challenges. This happened after five years of hard work and tens of rejection letters from publishing houses. When he published his debut book it went viral and in a week’s time, got him signings with two different publishing houses.

Series of books by Vince Flynn

All his novels are available in both paperback and hardcover and have steadily gained popularity all across the social divide. Ranging from ordinary book lovers to heads of states and intelligence officers, Mr. Flynn’s audience is one that boasts of diversity. In 1998,Term Limits was published in a hardcover version. In 1999, The book in paperback version actually defended the top slot in the bestseller list of the New York Times.

Flynn produced more books in the subsequent years and they turned out to be bestsellers as well. Most of these books form one of his most popular collections known as the Mitch Rapp series other than Transfer of Power however that is set in the same Rapp universe. In this series, Vince Flynn brings to life a character who goes by the name Mitch Rapp. He plays the role of a CIA agent working under-cover on matters anti-terrorism.

The unique attributes of this character is in the way he uses out of the ordinary tactics to counter attacks by Muslim Terrorists. His attitude throughout the series is that of non-conformity to official protocol while carrying out his duties. The series begins chronologically with the book, American Assassin. This novel introduces Mitch Rapp as a an ordinary care-free college student who rises to become a top-notch CIA agent.

Thanks to tragedy in the form of the Pan Am terrorist attack that leaves Mitch’s simple community life distorted, he finds himself recruited into the CIA. He is then trained as a clandestine CIA officer to wage war against Muslim terrorism in the United States. The storyline unfolds with him carrying out a series of hair-raising assassinations across Europe. The second book chronologically in the series, Kill Shot, tells of the undertakings of Mitch Rapp in assassinating a high profile diplomat of Libyan origin.

The setting is that of Mitch strategically carrying out his mission when the diplomat is sleeping in a Paris hotel room without any suspicion. Immediately though, the door to the room opens and gunmen take on him. In the exchange of fire, he is left wounded and has to escape.

The following day, word spreads around about the assassination which also claimed lives of several civilians. The authorities in France are after the assassin and the dilemma now falls on the CIA. They hope that their secret agent would not be exposed at the same time denying their involvement in the incident.

Mitch Rapp works his way out of the mess in a thrilling series of events. Vince Flynn has made an impact with some of his books being ear-marked for turning into screenplays. He entered partnership with CBS films and got negotiations to have books from the Mitch Rapp series be made into films. Vince Flynn sadly passed away on June 19th, 2013 due to prostate cancer. Kyle Mills continued writing the Mitch Rapp series from The Survivor onwards.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Vince Flynn

24 Responses to “Vince Flynn”

  1. Hank N: 6 months ago

    I’ve read every book in the series up to Total Power. Time to order another.

    There’s a definite difference between Flynn’s writing and Mills. I appreciate Kyle Mills taking over the series but there definitely something lacking. The resolutions of the stories are somewhat spotty. Especially with Total Power and Lethal Agent. Big gaps that leave the story with more questions than answers. Especially the desert scene in Lethal Agent that leaves you wondering how Mitch Rapp actually escaped the situation despite the overwhelming odds against even his survival.

    Lot’s of holes, but still a good read. I’ll continue buying and reading because I haven’t found anyone else that can keep me on the edge of my seat as I read.


  2. Vinnie Stevens: 7 months ago

    I agree whole heartedly. Term Limits sets out some of the present day happenings inthe US right now. I have all of the Mitch Rapp series and have reread the works a couple of times. We have so many politians who have overlooked the principles behind elections in both US and Canada and the World even. Unprincipled people are more interested in power and money. The Thomas Jefferson quote in the front of the book is right on.


  3. Mario: 7 months ago

    It’s true, Vince Flynn was an incredible writer. I have every book hard copies and have read all of them more than once. Kyle Mills thank you for keeping Mitch Rapp alive and well. RIP Vince, you were the best!!! Also Michael Keaton as Stan Hurley,what a joke!!


  4. Christopher Pruitt: 8 months ago

    love all of the Mitch Rapp series! i listen to some on audio books and read them too. George Gouidall bring Rapp to life in his interpretation of the characters!!!! check him out!!


  5. Glen Grue: 10 months ago

    Every novel of the series is awesome well written, however in my opinion His first TERM LIMITS.. is something that should be read by every american. I am a Veteran from Minnesota born in 1952.. I can relate to the Minnesota connection in Term Limits and have participated through some of or our past wars on active duty. Additionally TOTAL POWER another one that should be all


  6. Tana Croteau: 1 year ago

    I just finished “Tern Limits” and loved it! Cant wait to start the next book in the series!!!


  7. Lawrie Pithers: 2 years ago

    I was an avid reader of robert Ludlum . Having picked up a copy of American Assassin I was instantly hooked. Move over Jason Bourne there’s a new hero in town!


  8. Dianne: 2 years ago

    I can’t stop reading through the series. I’m only at Pursuit of Honor right now. I like to picture the cast as I read. If this series was filmed, who would you cast as Mitch Rapp and Mike Nash?


    • Graeme: 2 years ago

      Glad you are enjoying it. It’s one of my favourite series. The book American Assassin was actually made into a movie 🙂 Mitch Rapp was played by Dylan O’Brien.


      • GBD: 2 years ago

        The movie American Assassin was horrendous. BTW I love all the Vince Flynn Mitch Rapp books. The Kyle Mills versions leave a lot to be desired, my opinion.


        • Aarenforever: 6 months ago

          You’re right about kyle mills. I read ‘enemy at the gates’, it’s the 1st, & it’ll be the last book I read from him.


  9. Marc Boulton: 2 years ago

    All the Vince Flynn books are great and it’s about time they were turned into a series like Amazon are doing with the Jack Reacher books. Just ordered the latest book which like all the others will read in one sitting.


    • Tom Maddox: 4 months ago

      If you haven’t watched it yet The Jack Ryan Series was remarkably well done, they did move it forward in terms of its timeline versus a lot of the older movies which highlighted The character development from the 80’s and 90’s films. Overall a very good reinterpretation but of a different more modern verse versus the original works written by Clancy himself which I still enjoy reading. Wasn’t thrilled with how they did Without Remorse though, The writing for that movie was horrible even with a top notch cast it was doomed to fail sadly. Clancy would not have approved of it or the authors from various spinoff series being replaced after his death that were all once great additions to the Clancy works and building series that expanded on and greatly increased the scope of some characters that were never viewed as main characters in TC’c writings, Sam Fisher for one example. The ultimate espionage agent who has the realistic gadgets of an American interpretation James Bond without the playboy BS and the badassery of Jason Borne without all the hype


  10. Mary L Dugdale: 3 years ago

    Several of my senior ladies who are neighbors share and trade the Vince Flynn novel and like them all. I see I have a few more to read.


  11. Carol Askew: 3 years ago

    Excellent novels my favourite.


  12. john schneider: 3 years ago

    I picked up a Vince Flynn novel years ago and was immediately hooked on them, i have read them all (and some more than once ) and cant wait for the next issue, Kyle Mills is a solid writer and would never miss a book but there was just something about Vince Flynn that had that extra punch to it–i live in the Highlands of Scotland and cant wait for the next issue–KEEP WRITING–Thank You.


  13. Paul Higgins: 3 years ago

    I have read all of your books except 3, Order to Kill, Total Power and Enemy At The Gates. AMAZING! The BEST one so far was Term Limits, pretty scary as when it was written and todays climate. I have two of the three coming from our local library. Condolences for Vince. Kyle is SUPEREB


    • Thomas Vasbinder: 8 months ago

      I’ll never forget my deployment to Iraq in 2009, finding memorial day on the free bookshelf, quickly found myself not able to put the book down. The character that Vince Flynn created, the one and only Mitch Rapp is an understatement to say he nailed it. Thank you Mr. Flynn RIP for giving all of us this amazing story line and world of Mitch Rapp to get lost into. Thank you Kyle Mills for giving us more material and keeping the torch burning bright.


  14. David: 3 years ago

    I miss Vince but Kyle Mills does an excellent job. Never will forget you though Mr. Flynn.


    • Steven: 3 years ago

      I respectfully disagree that Kyle Mills does a good job to continue Flynn’s legacy.

      I have always had a problem putting down Flynn’s books and must finish in one sitting. But never with Kyle Mills at the helm, reading about Rapp’s adventures is a drag.

      Frankly, after reading Enemy at the Gates, I am not looking forward to his next book.


      • David E Hughes: 3 years ago

        Love Vince Flynns books thay are hard to put down. What a task writing for someone else as Mr Mills does, that has to be like trying to brush someone else teeth


  15. PaoloRM: 5 years ago

    Term limits, the best of all, and all were great.


    • Barbara: 7 months ago

      Totally agree. Am reading it for the third time. I sure do miss Vince. Read a few of Kyle’s, however, wasn’t too keen on reading more so I haven’t. Term Limits is a book that is definitely happening in real time today. Sad but true.


      • Tom Maddox: 4 months ago

        The same thing that happened with Mr.Flynns work being passed on has happened with others and with the same kind of results. Robert Ludlum’s Jason Borne Series The Splinter Cell series which was written by an author chosen by Tom Clancy himself to write the Sam Fisher and a few others under his header. They were all given to witers after the original authors passing away to continue them yet fail to capture the essence of the original authors style. When Vince Flynn passed away and someone else took up the mantle it stopped being the Mitch Rapp Series as I knew it.


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